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Our Programs

Check out what push has to offer:



GBMs are PUSH's formal meetings, which provide a space for all members to gather together and discuss topics specific toward pre-health goals and careers. GBMs usually have an overarching theme for that week and cover topics, such as introduction to different career paths, on-campus resources, test prep, coursework advice, Fil-Am health issues, clinical internships, professional mixers, etc.

These meetings are aimed to be informative and serve as ways to check yourself throughout the year, constantly guiding and "pushing" you toward success. It is also a great way for you to be a part of a community and to meet/interact with other like-minded PUSH-ers like yourself!









As pre-health students, we are all familiar with the intimidation that comes with the minimum GPA requirement graduate schools have toward admission. But do not fear! Whether you seek tutoring help (provided by our board members who have already taken the course and have a firm grasp on the subject) or simply need a welcoming and productive study space, PUSH is here for you to ensure your academic goals are met!

The date/time is usually every Wednesday night for three hours. The location is in Geisel or BioMed Library and will be posted on our Facebook event pages beforehand. 










Pre-Health Conferences are a great way for PUSH members to interact with health professionals, graduate school recruiters, and other pre-health undergraduates. These conferences allow important information regarding admission to be disseminated among prospective applicants and prepare students with workshops aimed at honing graduate school readiness. A few conferences PUSH has attended in the past include UCI PUSO Pre-Health Conference, SDSU Catch the Wave to Success Conference, and UC Berkeley Minorities in Health Conference. Starting in 2012, PUSH has been a partner with HMP3 in hosting the MEDS Conference at UCSD.              


Contact our Executives, Kate and Raeanne, for more information.









Work hard, play hard! Enjoy karaoke nights,  boba runs, Bond-fires, and late-night eating-out: PUSH social events are meant to ensure that you take that much-needed study break, relax, and have some fun!

Socials are held twice or thrice a quarter, usually in the beginning of every quarter and after Midterms Week.


Contact our Social Chair, Kai, for more information.



Study Hours

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